Sanctuary Window

Sanctuary Window

Dedicated on March 26, 1972, the faceted glass window at Covenant is 4 feet wide and 45 feet high and is designed to illustrate the theme of the “Covenant.” Broad in scope, it contains symbols representing significant stages in the relationship between God and his creation beginning with the act of creation itself and concluding with the ecumenical Church. Some symbols appear in various colors of the faceted glass, while others appear in the dark epoxy with which the pieces are joined. The window is designed with heavier areas of epoxy and darker tones of glass near the bottom blending gradually into warm and clear glass at the top. 

The symbols are most easily distinguished when seen from the sanctuary interior during the daylight hours. At the top of the window the Old Dispensation is illustrated by the promise. God’s hand creates the universe, the sun, moon and stars, above it the rainbow, symbol of God’s promise to Noah not to destroy the earth by flood. Next below is a brazier of coals and a knife. This refers to Abraham’s attempted sacrifice of his son, Isaac, which was prevented by God. Next below is the dramatic figure of Moses bringing the Tablets of the Law from God to the people. The New Dispensation begins with the life of Jesus. He is shown in a manger guarded by his mother. The shepherds draw near to see the promised Messiah. His crucifixion is symbolized by a cross encircled with a crown of thorns. The bread and chalice recall the Last Supper. The cock is the one that crowed at Peter’s denial but is used as a symbol of the sin of humanity which is constantly denying Christ, and from which his sacrifice on the cross saves. Next, Christ rises from the tomb, bearing the banner of victory of life over death. The Holy Spirit, completing the Trinity, descends to guide the Church in the form of a dove surrounded by seven tongues of fire. (Rev. 5:12). Next Paul is converted on the road. The seal of Calvin, a hand holding a heart, symbolizes the Reformation. The ship of the Church is at the bottom.

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2618 New Albany Rd.
Cinnaminson, NJ  08077
(856) 829 - 7522

