Presbyterian church government emphasizes that the
leadership of the church is shared between those called to be ministers and
church members called to be elders within the congregation.
Covenant elders lead teams, and bring ideas and motions to
session for approval. Teams include stewardship and finance, music and worship,
Christian education, fellowship and evangelism, property care, membership,
church officer nominating committee, mission, memorials, personnel. Elders
provide integral leadership for implementing various aspects of church life.
At Covenant, elders, along with the pastor, govern together
as a group. The office is for the service of the congregation, to pray for them
and to encourage them in their faith.
Who are the Deacons at Covenant Church, and what do they do?
- The Deacons are 12 volunteers who serve 3 year terms.
- We take turns every Sunday delivering the flowers to sick, shut-in, or deserving members. The Deacons arrange to have meals delivered to Covenant members who are in need. We also send cards to comfort people who are sick or grieving, and to congratulate people who have good news to celebrate.
- Each deacon is assigned as a “caregiver” to several members of the church. The deacon will keep in touch with these members and call them as part of the phone chain, when there is information to pass on.
- The Deacons collect groceries once a month and deliver them to the Christian Caring Center in Browns Mills.
Every spring we fill and deliver Easter baskets to Catholic Charities in Burlington.
- We organize a school supply collection every summer and deliver the supplies to Catholic Charities.
- In August, Deacons organize volunteers for the Bread of Life Food Pantry in Palmyra, and bake cakes for their birthday celebration.
- In the fall we collect frozen turkeys and deliver them to the Bread of Life Food Pantry. We also purchase all the trimmings to go along with a turkey dinner for 10 families that come to the food pantry.
- After Thanksgiving, the Deacons collect Christmas gifts with our Angel Tree and deliver them to Catholic Charities.
- If there is a Covenant family or neighbor in financial need, the Deacons provide a small monetary gift.
All these projects and blessings to the community come from the donations of our Covenant Congregation. There are pink envelopes in your envelope box and the pew racks that can be used to make a contribution to the Deacons. We really appreciate all your help in making the Deacon’s work possible.
Community Fellowship & Evangelism Team
Fellowship and Evangelism Team is responsible for organizing events
that serve as an opportunity for fellowship for our congregation,
(outside of worship), and events for the community which serve an
evangelism function. Fellowship events in the past have included
Pot-luck Lunches/Dinners, Women’s Teas, our 60th Anniversary
Celebration, BINGO Nights, and Sing-A-Longs.
Community/Evangelism events have included Breakfast with Santa and Lunch with the Bunny.
Weekly Ministry Programs
small groups are a way for you to get to know the church community and
God on a personal level. Some group studies are currently being held
virtually, while others have resumed in person.
Women's Bible Study - Monday Mornings at 11:00AM in the church lounge
Senior Bible Study - Wednesday Mornings at 10:30AM in the church lounge
Volunteers are the backbone of our church. Here are some more opportunities to serve through volunteerism at Covenant:
- Elder & Deacon Opportunities
- Live-stream/ Service technical support
- Nursery Volunteers
- House & Ground Volunteers